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Wednesday 12 July 2023

Chenab College Jhang

About CCJ

The Chenab College Jhang was founded in 1991 under the direction of both the Chief Minister of Punjab and the Prime Minister of Pakistan based on self-help to give extraordinarily high-quality education. It was done to carry out these leaders' instructions. The Jhang Sadar District Courts are around 12 kilometers away from Chenab College Jhang, which is situated on Jhang-Chiniot Road.

The 208-acre college estate has been split up into 107 different lots, each of which is enclosed by a stone barrier. The responsibility of ensuring that pupils receive the best education has been placed on the Jhang Educational Trust (JET), which has been supervised by the deputy commissioner for the duration of this time.


Academic achievement is quite likely at CCJ because of the welcoming environment and strong emphasis on teaching to each student's unique needs. This is just one of the many reasons why CCJ is a fantastic choice for students.


element of the curriculum, which is designed to cover tours in addition to educational and recreational travel, is not being used for this particular school year.


Young people in Chenabian culture can cultivate their personalities and social skills thanks to the variety of clubs and organizations that are available to them.


Locals in Chenab enjoy entertaining themselves by attending activities like the fun fair, the bonfire, and the Golden Night. These three events each attract big crowds.

Things to Do Regarding This Topic

Students at CCJ are encouraged to engage in friendly competition through the variety of extracurricular activities that are available to them.

SPORTS Every competition stage in a specific sport at CC is given the same amount of weight as every other competition stage in that sport.


A public higher education institution called Chenab College Jhang was going to be established, according to a commitment made by the Pakistani Prime Minister of the time on October 18, 1986. This was done to meet the region's then-unmet educational needs, which were a result of a lack of finance.

On March 27, 1988, the chief minister of the Punjab state declared that a similar facility will be built.

On January 5, 1989, The Jhang Educational Trust (commonly known as JET) was formally created and assigned a registration number.


On November 13, 1989, the Punjabi Chief Minister gave the Local Administration instructions to raise the required funds for the project. This instruction was granted at the Chief Minister of Punjab's request. The choice was made in response to the Chief Minister of Punjab's prior request.

The Board of Revenue Punjab gave its consent in 1991 for the purchase of 77 acres of land in this area. In December 1989, the Board of Revenue Punjab leased 71 acres of land to numerous individuals and groups.

Mr. Muhammad Athar Tahir's plan to elevate Chenab College Jhang to the rank of other esteemed universities in the nation was put into action on the first day of February 1991. His goal was to develop Chenab College Jhang to the level of other institutions of higher learning in the nation. During that time, Mr. Tahir was given the position of Deputy Commissioner in Jhang.

On February 17, 1991, the first day of classes, classes for pupils in Pre-Nursery through Class 5 were held in rented premises.

On April 12, 1993, they moved their business to its current site.

Vision & Mission Statement

To produce a generation of kids and young adults with unblemished personalities, solid intellects, genuine citizenship, physical fitness, and leadership qualities that would enable the country to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other nations of the world, it is imperative that everyone has access to high-quality education and that this is done as effectively as possible.

This educational institution's major objective is to prepare male and female young people for leadership roles in all areas of life. Both your personal and professional lives are affected by this. The curriculum starts in kindergarten and lasts until the child is in their senior year of high school. Students at Cambridge University receive training for the Secondary School Certificate, Intermediate Examination, O Level Examination, and Level Examination.

As part of its core curriculum, the institution provides courses in English, Urdu, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science. All of these programs are available in both English and Urdu. Every student is given a specially designed alternate that has been specifically tailored to their particular skill set, aptitude, and long-term professional objectives.


The only language that is ever utilized for educational reasons is English, which is always in use. The creation of great members of society in all senses is the main educational goal Chenab College tries to attain. It is important to pay close attention to how the kids are growing in all spheres of their lives, including their intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development. In today's society, qualities like initiative, a strong sense of enthusiasm, high moral standards, intentional activity, and discipline are highly prized. While individual accomplishments are also recognized, teams' collaborative efforts are praised and rewarded.

Regulation and Rules 


75% attendance is required for promotion to the next class and for admission to be sent up (in the case of board classes). For Board classes, attendance must be at least 75%; for O/A Level classes, attendance must be at least 80%. If a student is missing six days in a month for the remaining classes and four days in a month for Class 8 and up, they will be dropped from the college roll.


Any use of unfair methods during exams is completely unacceptable. If a student is found to have used unfair means, such as storing a cheat sheet for assistance during an exam or test, they will be dismissed from college. It is beneficial for Chenabians if they become more accountable, moral, and disciplined.


No teacher should ever meet with parents in person. If it is thought essential, the principal will refer such matters to the appropriate Headmaster or Headmistress.


Students must wear the full college uniform, which includes polished shoes and neatly pressed clothes. Their attendance is frequently monitored. It is prohibited for female pupils to wear any type of jewelry or makeup.


Except with previous approval from the college administration, using mobile phones, media players, tablets, laptops, etc. is strictly prohibited on campus. If pupils are found with cell phones, they are confiscated and fined Rs. 5000. Students may use the college phones in an emergency with the approval of a qualified official. Devices may be damaged if discovered during business hours.


Any student who damages college property will undoubtedly be kicked out of the institution. If the Principal determines that a student's continued enrollment in the college is not in the institution's best interests, he or she has the authority to fine, suspend, or expel that student at any time. Students who transgress are dealt with harshly.


The campus of Chenab College is a non-smoking area. Any student caught smoking on campus or in front of the building faces serious consequences.

Group celebrations and surprise parties

Only during breaks are beverages and snacks allowed, and plastic bags and wrappers need to be disposed of in bins. The pupil faces a steep fine in the event of a violation. Food items cannot be brought inside the classroom or wing during a break. On hot summer days, though, students may bring bottled water to class in their backpacks.

Except with the previous approval of the competent authorities, birthday parties and other festivities are not permitted on the campus, including the cafeteria, the grounds, and the classrooms. Additionally, such endeavors as ink-blotting, snow-spraying, and similar ones are dealt with harshly. basic idea,



Our transportation system is what makes our school stand out from the other schools in Pakistan. The college bought a fleet of 32 buses and rented another 38. Each day, they take more than 4,500 boys and girls to and from the college for very low prices.


Students are given a well-stocked library as a way to improve their minds. It has computers, access to the Internet, the newest books and journals, and a lot of CDs, DVDs, magazines, newspapers, and stories of interest to people all over the world. Between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., the kids can use it.


Hostels are places where students, both boys, and girls, can stay and eat on campus. When making the menu, the nutrition of the food for the kids is taken into account. Aside from studying and preparing, games and morning workouts are often done to keep people physically fit.

Science Labs

The Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and IT/Language Labs are all air-conditioned and are right next to Senior School 1 (Boys) and Senior School 2 (Boys). They are only for the boys in those two buildings. The girls in Senior School 1 (Girls) have access to four science rooms for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science.

Grounds for cricket

On campus, there are two international-level cricket fields with a total of seven cricket turfs. Electricity and water have been put underground. Matches between districts, divisions, and the Pakistan Cricket Board are held here. For net practice, there are also two practice turfs and two cemented grounds with safety nets.

Generators of electricity

During load-shedding and power outages, three 100KVA, 60KVA, and 50KVA high-power generators are used to keep the college running. These generators are especially helpful for students. Students don't have to pay extra for this service, either.


Near the main entrance of the college, there is a store of MCB where students and their parents can pay their college fees. You can also pay your college fees at any branch of MCB. Pakistan

Online College Management System

All of the offices and seven of the classroom buildings have computers that are connected to a server and to each other. The Online College Management System includes Admission, Attendance, Accounts, Payroll, Fee, Transport, Examination, and SMS Alert Systems.

The water storage tank and RO plants

On the grounds, there are three Reverse Osmosis Plants, one for boys and two for girls, to give Chenabians clean water to drink. On the site, there is a 50,000-gallon water tank that can be used for drinking, watering plants, and other daily tasks.

Simulations are a way to learn.

With the help of the University of Cambridge, online educational tools are being used to their full potential, and audio-visual aids are becoming an important part of pedagogical teaching materials. In this case, multimedia displays are used.

SmartBoards allow for interactive learning.

Smartboards are now being used in schools. Compared to traditional ways of teaching, the tasks in class would be more interactive. At first, there are 13 Smartboards in all areas of Class Nursery and KG, as well as in the computer labs of T1, T4, and T6.

Academic Structure

Principal Message

When compared to other educational institutions, Chenab College Jhang, which has its headquarters in the city of Jhang and is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the entire country of Pakistan, is truly in a league of its own when it comes to the caliber of education that is offered.

The college is notable not just for its stunning structure and peaceful surroundings, but also for its unparalleled caliber of academic excellence. Being chosen to act as the current leader of our business is something I value highly. We begin working with youngsters when they are between four and five years old and gently mold them into brilliant jewels until they graduate as impeccable gentlemen and gorgeous women after passing the Intermediate level. We do this with undivided attention, effort, and educational craftsmanship.

The excellent results that CCJ routinely generates are a result of our experienced teachers who give their all to meet a student's needs with passion, energy, and responsibility. The success of CCJ can be attributed to these educators.

Doctors, engineers, government employees, and military leaders are just a few of the many professionals that have graduated from the university and are currently defending our nation with the integrity they learned as CCJ students. Doctors, engineers, employees of the government, and military officers are some of these experts. Starting with the Nsy grade and continuing all the way up to the Intermediate level, we offer the best learning settings at fairly cheap prices.

We provide them with the greatest learning environment and the best education we can while also taking into account their parents' financial constraints. In addition to the fact that the tuition is paid, the devout parents who send their kids to our school find the fact that we are located in a peaceful place surrounded by 208 acres of emerald grass to be nothing short of a blessing.

The only school in Jamaica that provides its students with extracurricular sports fields for basketball, football, and hockey, a PCB-approved cricket field, an international-standard swimming pool, and squash courts is CCJ. It is attributed to Albert Einstein to have said, "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think." Because I am the institution's principal, I can assert this with absolute certainty. We at CCJ uphold strict standards to teach a child's intellect and spirit through love, respect, understanding, appreciation, motivation, and reasoning.

Young individuals who have strong moral beliefs, the ability to make sensible decisions, and a sense of self-confidence are the result of this. In the name of Allah, our students shall always be shining examples of what it means to "Aspire and Achieve" in the truest sense imaginable.

If you have any further questions, please contact CCJ.

Contact Info:

Phone:(047) 7671102