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Wednesday 12 July 2023

Cadet College Jhang


Cadet College Jhang is regarded as the most prestigious cadet college in Pakistan's private sector. To teach, develop, and educate the minds, bodies, and hearts of young boys and girls is central to our mission, and the cornerstone of our organization is built on this sincere devotion. Through academic achievement, skill development, and emotional intelligence training, CCJ strives to instill in its cadets the mindset that they should continue to educate themselves throughout their lives. Our campus is comprised of 25 acres, and it serves as a training ground for the future leaders of Pakistan. Here, we frequently train ladies and gentlemen to be thorough and professional so that they may meet the difficulties of society by entering honorable professions such as the military, medicine, and the legal system.

Cadet College

A Statement of the Vision

Cadet College Jhang's mission is to train young minds, cultivating their intellect, spirituality, and character in an active, student-centered learning community based on scientific methodology and deeply rooted in Islamic principles to become successful leaders as officers in the Pakistan Armed Forces and other national or international organizations through quality education. The college aspires to become the standard of excellence for Residential Cadet Colleges.

Statement of Objectives

The mission of the Cadet College Jhang is to provide its cadets with an education of the highest caliber that is in line with contemporary educational ideals, is consistent with the tenets of Islam, and meets the needs of the contemporary technological environment in a setting that is favorable to the cadets' healthy mental and physical growth.

The President and CEO's Message

There are a great number of discrepancies between the worldview that we as Muslims adhere to and the teaching and instruction that is provided by our educational institutions. We require an educational system that is in agreement with both our religious beliefs and the core principles that guide our society. As much as we need knowledge and skills to develop, prosper, and flourish in the company of other nations, we also need to restore the lost pride that was once the defining characteristic of the Muslim culture.

This can only be accomplished via education and training. Our subsequent generation must have self-assurance and be proud of their ancestry and the values they have inherited. We need to bring up the next generation so that they are devoted to their religion, have an attitude that is up-to-date and contemporary, and are completely capable of not just living their life in any given social setting, but also of reforming it.

They might go on to have successful careers as physicians, engineers, lawyers, or businesspeople, but most importantly, they will be dignified and moral people. A human being who is fully conscious of the reason for his creation in this cosmos, and who bears a sense of responsibility to his maker as a result of this awareness.

The Cadet College Jhang is not merely a school; rather, it is an educational institution that takes an entirely fresh and innovative scientific approach. On the one hand, we have established precise quantifiable goals and targets for ourselves to regularly analyze and examine the quality of the student's learning, and on the other hand, the quality of the instruction.

We are committed to the idea that education is a never-ending cycle for humans and will strive to improve the quality of our offerings at all times. We are certain that Cadet College Jhang will provide a supportive setting in which junior high and high school students can develop to their fullest potential.

We bowed down to Allah, the All-Mighty, before whom we pray, for without his blessings, nothing would be possible. Our debt of gratitude is owed to the parents, whose unwavering support and assistance in achieving the aim made it much simpler to do so. We pledge to the parents of the students whose wards or children are being admitted at this time that we will accomplish an enormous task in every possible way and that we will leave no stone unturned in doing so.

To Whom It May Concern,

Suhaib Farooq is the Lieutenant Commander (Rear) of the Pakistan Naval Aviators and the Chief Executive Officer of the Sitara-e-Esar (Military) Cadet College in Jhang.

The origins of the CCJ

Imam Ghazali Education System's most recent endeavor is the establishment of Cadet College Jhang. This educational establishment benefits from the experience of well-known educationists and the careful direction of officers from the Pakistani armed forces (army, air force, and navy). Therefore, let's begin with a little explanation of our history.


On April 4, 1964, Professor Gauhar Siddiqui laid the groundwork for what would later become the Imam Ghazali Education System. Within a short period after it was established, System became known throughout the world as a prestigious educational institution.

The Imam Ghazali Education System is the realization of a desire shared by several well-known educators in addition to the former officers of the armed forces who serve on the governing board of this institute. "To develop an educational system for the children of Pakistan that is most modern, based on scientific methodology, and deeply rooted in Islamic principles."

This is the vision of the Imam Ghazali Education System. To become successful leaders and officers in national and international organizations through quality Education, the goal of education should be to develop the children's full personalities by cultivating their spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, linguistic, scientific, and physical capabilities. "Education should aim at developing the total personality of children."

Since 1964, the Imam Ghazali Education system has been providing students with a high-quality education. It is comprised of a chain of 26 wonderful educational institutions that have thousands of students enrolled from Pre-Nursery all the way up to the F.Sc./A Level. These schools can be found in various locations around central Punjab.

Take a look at Cadet College Jhang: In September 2007, students began arriving in large numbers at Cadet College Jhang. The faculty was very busy trying to find boarding (places picked to stay among Cadets) for their incoming students. Boarding is defined as "places selected to stay among Cadets."

The Jhang campus of the Cadet College was the first cadet college in the middle of Punjab, and it was situated on 90 canals of land.

Cadets hailing from all over Pakistan began to come, and soon the school was filled with cadets representing a rainbow of ethnic backgrounds. The very first address that the chairman gave to the cadets was packed with valuable information. As time went on, there was a significant rise in the total number of students enrolled. In 2014, Cadet College Jhang hosted 700-day scholars in addition to 150 residential students from all across Pakistan. These students came from all corners of the country.


In Pakistan, in 2014, the "1st Girls Cadet College" opened its doors to welcome girls from all over Pakistan and other nations to get education and training there. These students come from a variety of backgrounds.

Several officials from the Joint Forces attended the Cadet College Jhang as the principal guests for some different ceremonies that were held in the college.

Cadet College Jhang has established a reputation as a premier educational establishment over the past seven years, fostering the intellectual growth of young men and women who aspire to serve as officers in the Pakistan Armed Forces and other national and international organizations.


Imam Ghazali Education System, which has a long history of 46 years of quality in education, is in charge of organizing and managing Cadet College Jhang. The following is a list of the honors that have been bestowed upon us by various Institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations, Provincial, and Governmental sectors:

1) The President of Pakistan Award for the Most Outstanding School (1985, 1986, and 1987).

2) The Pakistani-American Education and Cultural Council was named the Best School in 1991.

3) The Excellence Award from the Punjab Text Board in the year 1992.

4) In the twenty years since the last Matriculation and First-Secondary Certificate Examinations, more than fifty students have been awarded distinctions.

Rules & Regulations

There is a zero-tolerance policy in place regarding the use of mobile phones on campus. Students are permitted to use the college phones for urgent matters, but they must first have permission to do so.B. Cadets are required to wear a variety of uniforms throughout their time at the academy. From the time the rising bell is rung at 4:30 in the morning until lights out at night, each cadet must wear one of six distinct types of uniforms that have been specifically prescribed for their activities.  The goal is to inculcate in them the proper etiquette for participating in a variety of 21st-century activities.

PT Kit (During Morning PT)

Khaki Dress (During Classes)

Dress for worship, consisting of a white shalwar kameez, a white cap, and a black waistcoat.

Dinner Dress (Walking Out with Neck Tie & Blazer)

(During the Evening) Sports Equipment

Sleeping Dress

Leave Discipline:

Except in the most extraordinary of situations, students will not be permitted to take time off other than the officially sanctioned holidays by the college. There will be no time off for employees to attend weddings, except the weddings of their biological siblings. Cadets will have their names removed from the rolls if they are missing from the College for seven days in a row without bringing a note of explanation from their parents.

To request ex post facto authorization for leave, cadets are required to bring a formal leave application from their parents and submit it to the college adjutant.D. Cadets are permitted to take Rs. 140/- per week from their savings accounts to use as pocket money. This privilege is referred to as "D." Any cash found more than this amount would be confiscated and added to the cadet in question's account for pocket money. It is strongly recommended that parents do not gift or send any money to their sons.

E. Visitors: Parents and guardians are welcome to see their children at the following times and days:-

The hours on Saturday are from 17:00 to 18:00.

Sunday, from 9:00 am until 11:30 pm

15:00 and 17:00 are the hours in question.

In either College Boarding or the Cafeteria, cadets are not permitted to invite their own guests or family to join them.

F. Accidents and Mishaps: The College will take every precaution to ensure the safety of all Cadets while they are on the College Campus and will do everything in its power to prevent accidents and mishaps. On the other hand, the Colleges are not to be held liable for any accidents or incidents that may result in any form of bodily harm or injury.

G. Week-End Leave: Each term, cadets will have access to a certain number of weekends from which they can choose to take leave. It is needed that a leave application be submitted to the adjutant by the parents or guardian. Regarding their sons or wards at the beginning of each week or fortnight, in writing or in person, they must state the following:

a) Whether they would like for their son or ward to spend his weekend at home with them, or whether they would prefer that he spend it with other relatives or friends.

c) The name and address of the relative or friend with whom the youngster will spend his weekends if they are to be spent away from home.

H. Journey To College/Home: It will be the responsibility of the parents or guardians to arrange a safe journey for their sons or wards when they are going home and when they are returning to the College at the beginning of Breaks/Holidays and after holidays. Nevertheless, if it is at all possible, the College will try to organize a trip by rail or road for the Cadets in groups on behalf of their parents or guardians. However, the duty of paying for the trip will fall on the parents.­­

I. Expulsion from the College: The Principal has the complete right to punish, suspend, or expel any student at any time he believes that the student's continued enrollment in the college is not in the best interest of the institution. This authority includes the ability to remove the student from the college.

Due to the following types of infractions, cadets run the risk of being expelled from the college:

a) Being dishonest, lying, stealing, gambling, and engaging in other immoral behavior.

b) Causing intentional and willful damage to the property owned by the college.

b) Keeping dangerous items such as knives, firearms, etc.

c) Going beyond the limits set.

e) Disrespect for senior citizens and staff members. Unprofessional conduct on the part of the cadet's parents towards the staff.

f) Being absent from the lecture as well as any other activities associated with the college without a valid excuse.

g) Having a pattern of tardiness, untidiness, and slovenliness in one's daily life.

h) Tobacco usage and the consumption of narcotics in any form.

J. Instructions Particular to This Version:

Instructions for the Entire Group:

a) Cadets are required to make sure that the articles of clothing, bedding, and books that are stated in the hostel's disciplinary rules are kept up to date at all times.

b) Students who are afflicted with a contagious or infectious illness are not allowed to attend college or remain in the dormitory during their illness. Students in this situation are counseled by the attending physician before being sent home. On their return after rest and recuperation, these cadets are required to present a medical fitness certificate.

b) Once a week, on either Saturday evening or Sunday morning, cadets are permitted to call home to speak with their parents.

Within the confines of the institution, cadets are not permitted to possess the following items:

a) You are not permitted to bring in transistors, video games, electric appliances, personal computers, wireless radios, television sets, walkman sets, and the like.

b) Medicines or pharmaceuticals that have not been authorized.

c) Financial assets and other valuables.

d) Any sort of weapon, including knives.

e) Tobacco products and drugs in any form, including narcotics.

f) Matches, Burner, Heaters, and Other Related Items.

g) Instruments used for making music.

Contact Info:

Phone:+92 311 1222739